Climate-related Financial Disclosures Round-table

Recently the G20 government leaders discussed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The task force has developed a comprehensive framework applicable to all organizations in all industries—to report climate-related risks and opportunities in financial filings. The framework enables organizations to report material forward-looking information on the potential financial impacts of climate change and the energy transition and how these impacts are managed. This material information fulfills the needs for sound decision making by shareholders, investors and other stakeholders.
Sustainable Finance Lab and Deloitte organize a round-table about the role of the framework in the energy transition.

What to expect?
This round-table provides insight in the information needs of financial institutions as well as the industry perspective to inform and involve investors in the energy transition. Expect speeches by the following speakers:

Prof. Gert Jan Kramer
Deep Decarbonization Pathways, Utrecht University

Jaap Hoogcarspel
Cluster Commissioner Industry Complex Rotterdam-Moerdijk

Dennis van der Putten
Head ESG Research Actiam

Willemijn Verdegaal
Senior Advisor Responsible Investment & Governance at MN
Chair Working Group Climate Risk, DNB Sustainable Finance Platform

The Round-table will be moderated by Marleen Janssen Groesbeek (Sustainable Finance Lab.)  The language of the event is Dutch or English, dependent on the participants.

Event details
Date: Wednesday 27 September 2017
Venue: Maastoren, Wilhelminakade 1, 3072 AP Rotterdam
44th floor Maastorenzaal
Time: 14.30-17.30

Please register by sending Udeke Huiskamp an e-mail: