Whose Money is it? – Paneldiscussion on public money creation

On 22 November 2016, Martin Wolf, economic commentator of the Financial Times, gave a speech on the state of the financial sector. Wolf concluded that radical reforms are needed where money creation comes into public hands.

Ben Dyson of Positive Money presented such an alternative system. Wim Boonstra (Rabobank), Teunis Brosens (ING) and SFL members Arnoud Boot and Klaas van Egmond responded to this.


Op 22 november 2016 hield Martin Wolf, economisch commentator van de Financial Times, een toespraak over de toestand van de financiƫle sector. Wolf concludeerde dat radicale hervormingen nodig zijn wanneer geldcreatie in de handen van de bevolking komt.

Ben Dyson van Positive Money presenteerde zo’n alternatief systeem. Wim Boonstra (Rabobank), Teunis Brosens (ING) en SFL-leden Arnoud Boot en Klaas van Egmond hebben hierop gereageerd.